
Never Have I Ever: A Fun and Revealing Party Game

Have you ever wanted to know more about your friends’ secrets, adventures, and experiences? Or have you ever wanted to share some of your own stories with them? If so, then you might enjoy playing “Never Have I Ever”, a popular party game that can be both hilarious and insightful.

What is Never Have I Ever?

“Never Have I Ever” is a game where players take turns saying something that they have never done, such as “Never have I ever been to Europe” or “Never have I ever kissed a celebrity”. The other players who have done that thing must either drink, put down a finger, or perform some other action, depending on the version of the game. The game can be played with any number of players, but usually works best with at least five people.

How to Play Never Have I Ever?

There are different ways to play “Never Have I Ever”, but the basic rules are the same. Here are the steps to follow:

  • Gather your friends in a circle and make sure everyone has a drink, a hand with 10 fingers, or something else to use as a marker.
  • Decide who will start the game. You can choose the person with the coolest shoes, the person who has the most recent birthday, or any other criteria you like.
  • The first player says “Never have I ever…” and completes the sentence with something they have never done. It should be something that is likely to have been done by other players, and preferably something funny, embarrassing, or surprising.
  • The other players who have done that thing must either take a sip of their drink, put down one finger, or do whatever action you agreed on. They can also share some details about their experience if they want to.
  • The next player in the circle continues the game by saying another “Never have I ever…” statement, and so on until someone runs out of drinks, fingers, or markers. That person is the loser of the game, and may have to do a dare or a penalty as a consequence.
  • You can play as many rounds as you like, or until you run out of things to say.

What are Some Good Never Have I Ever Questions?

The fun of “Never Have I Ever” lies in the questions you ask. You can choose questions that are related to a theme, such as travel, romance, or school, or you can mix them up for more variety. You can also adjust the level of difficulty and appropriateness of the questions depending on your audience and mood. Here are some examples of good “Never Have I Ever” questions for different categories:

  • Travel: Never have I ever missed a flight, visited more than 10 countries, or slept in a hostel.
  • Romance: Never have I ever had a crush on a teacher, dated someone online, or had a one-night stand.
  • School: Never have I ever cheated on a test, skipped a class, or been to detention.
  • Food: Never have I ever eaten sushi, tried a weird delicacy, or been allergic to something.
  • Entertainment: Never have I ever watched a horror movie alone, binge-watched a whole season in one day, or met a celebrity.
  • Adventure: Never have I ever gone skydiving, ridden a motorcycle, or climbed a mountain.
  • Embarrassment: Never have I ever farted in public, wet the bed, or walked into a glass door.

You can find more questions online, or make up your own. The key is to be creative, curious, and respectful of others.

“Never Have I Ever” is not only a fun game, but also a great way to get to know your friends better, and to reveal some of your own personality. You can learn new things about each other, laugh at your past mistakes, and bond over your shared experiences. You can also discover new sides of yourself, challenge your limits, and have some memorable moments.